Sunday, May 1, 2011

the beginning of sweet cherry tree Lane :: Spring 2011

sweet cherry tree lane is dedicated to our growing family and to the awesome moments in life that we experience every day. Riley is growing so fast and the new baby boy will be here soon. Jeremy and I recently moved into a new home and started over in Ohio. His MBA is complete and the world is at his finger tips. My business is keeping me busy and is all of the creative outlet I can handle. The future is unfolding in front of our very eyes and I hope not to blink and to catch every special moment.

Since spring has approached we've been watching the new home's plants, trees and flowers start to bud. Jeremy and I have decided to wait before rearranging, removing or replacing any of the landscaping until next spring. Im not sure I can wait that long, I can be kinda compulsive. In the mean time I snapped some pics of the gorgeous flowers and trees that we've been enjoying.

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